This is a great question and it indicates that you're trying to avoid Spray and Pray PR:
Spray and pray PR embraces the idea of “the more, the merrier” where marketers mistakenly assume that everyone needs to know about their widget or their website in hopes that a few media contacts will feature it. What these spammers don’t always recognize is that response rate diminishes as they send more poorly targeted emails – and their brand’s image suffers too.
- from Relevance:
Anewstip helps you find relevant journalists based on their tweets and news articles. The logic is simple: if a journalist tweeted or wrote about a relevant topic before, he/she might be more interested in covering your story than others. Anewstip can search through the entire Tweets database and news articles from across the whole web, no country restrictions.
Problem to solve:
I'm launching a new innovative blockchain app, and I want to have journalists to write about it.
Anewstip's solution:
Step 1: Find relevant journalists
There are so many journalists and I need to identify only the most relevant ones to make the best use of my limited time. Journalists that have tweeted or wrote about similar topics are probably interested in taking a look at my app and potentially tweet or write about it.
First, I need to list out the keywords: bitcoin, blockchain, DApp, cryptokitties (name of competitors other players)...
Then I use Anewstip to search these keywords, example:
Journalists that have tweeted blockchain from the past month:
There are hundreds of results. I can use the filters at the top to further finetune the results, for example, I can restrict the search to show only journalists with assigned topics of "Technology":
There are fewer journalists now, but those results left seems to be more relevant for my campaign. Great, next step is to add them to my media list so I can pitch them later.
Step 2: Add relevant journalists to a media list
I can add journalists one by one or in bulk. To add journalists in bulk, select the journalists, and click the Add to media list button at the top:
I can add journalists to existing lists or new lists:
Step 3: Pitch journalists
I can now open the media list and pitch the contact in the list one by one or in bulk.